Tuesday, 5 August 2014

5 Day Juice Reboot: Day 1

Just over a month ago I watched 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead', a film in which Joe Cross goes on a 60 day juice fast (reboot) to help him lose weight and become healthier. The results were amazing, after 60 days Joe had not only lost a huge amount of weight but his body had healed itself to such an extent that he no longer needed his prescription medications. As I was feeling slightly under the weather at the time, I decided to dust off my juicer and give it a go.

At first, I started to incorporate daily juices into my routine, I was already an advocate of green smoothies and always had one before I went to work, so adding a juice to my daily routine wasn't too painful. After the first week I really noticed the benefits of replacing my lunchtime sandwich with a juice - I no longer felt lethargic, I had more energy and my skin looked clearer.  On 'treat' days when I changed my routine and had those extra carbs at lunchtime, I noticed that my sluggishness returned and I lacked enthusiasm.

So, out of curiosity I decided to follow in Joe's footsteps and do a 'juice reboot'. I bought his book and was impressed with the wide range of recipes and detailed reboot plans ranging from 3 to 30 days. As I'm not looking to lose weight but just give my body a boost, I opted for a 5 day reboot. Although, I'd read about the side effects of the detox process, I naively thought that as I juiced and drank green smoothies I'd be fine, how wrong I was (hence the reason I'm writing about day 1 on day 2 of the reboot).

What follows is a rundown of day 1 - be warned, it's a warts and all account as I want to be as honest as possible about my experiences...

7.30: Warm water and ginger followed by 500ml of Sporty Spice juice - it was tasty but my stomach felt ful after drinking it.
9.00: A relaxing lavender bath.
10.30: The cravings started - all I wanted was a bacon buttie and I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I tried to drink water to alleviate the feeling but my stomach was feeling full and slightly gurgly.
11.00: Started to feel nauseous so laid down for a bit.
11.30: Extreme bowel movement- lets just say that no-one could say I was constipated!
12.00: Nausea eased so made and drank 500ml of Joe's Mean Green. Struggled to get it down as stomach was still feeling very full.
1.00-3.00: Frequent visits to the toilet and waves of nausea/cold sweats.
3.30: Attempted to drink the remaining 500ml of Sporty Spice but couldn't stomach it, even the smell made me gag. Replaced with a herbal tea. Still craving bacon butties.
5.30: Drank the remaining 500ml of Joe's Mean Green - halfway through nausea struck and had to run to the toilet. Brought nothing up, just gas so started to wonder if I was maybe dehydrated as I hadn't been drinking much water through the day due to feeling full. Made an effort to drink more water.
7.00: Drank 500ml of Peach Pear Delight plus a pint of water.
8.00: Started to feel tired. Still craving bacon butties.
9.30: Bedtime - felt exhausted, nauseous and craving solid food.

And that sums up day 1 of my reboot. I spent most of the day feeling nauseous and bloated, craving food (yet when I really focussed on how I felt in my body, I wasn't actually hungry). I'm not sure why I craved bacon butties so much as I don't usually eat them, only as an occasional treat. Anyway, day 1 was spent feeling very deprived and wondering why I'd decided to put myself through this.

Tune in tomorrow for day 2!

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